Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tactile Learners

Tactile Learners can do the following suggestions:
1. Trace words with your finger (on paper, in sand or with finger paints)
2. Touch objects as you learn vocabulary
3. Go to the market and pick up various items as you practice conversation (e.g. touch or pick up the pineapple when you ask, 'How much is this pineapple?')
4. Make a rubbing of a cultural features and use it for conversation practice
5. Use Total Physical Response activities.

The Auditory, Kinesthetic learners

Auditory learners can do the following:

1. Tape and review the lesson at home
2. Talk out what you have learned
3. Join a choir
4. Tape conversations/new words for review
5. Listen to Scriptures/sermons on tape
6. Interview nationals on topics studied
7. Oral drills
8. Go to a local gathering place and listen to conversations/participate as able
9. Use computer programs with sound features
10. Listen to radio news/talk programs
11. Use Total Physical Response activities

KINESTHETIC learners can do the following suggestions:

1. Use Total Physical Response activities
2. Rehearse conversation scripts with partner, then go out and talk to nationals
3. Buy something in the marker and ask your tutor about it.
4. Enroll in a local cooking/art class
5. Learn songs with motions
6. Make simple models
7. Role-play commands/conversations/verbs
8. Learn to play children's games
9. Learn to play a local sport
10. Join a sports team
11. Use interactive computer programs
12. Go on cultural field trips.

Are you a visual learner?

Visual learners can do the following suggestions:
1. Picture a word as you learn it
2. Use picture for conversation practice
3. Use vocabulary cards
4. Read stories/fables
5. Make a picture dictionary
6. Label household items
7. Use a small notebook for new words
8. Read newspapers and magazines
9. Idea maps/flow charts
10. Type new sentences/words on computer
11. Re-write new information from tutor
12. Use context clues for educated guessing
13. Use Total Physical Response activities

Monday, April 2, 2007

Do you want to know your learning styles?

Circle below the numbers of the strategies/techniques Through which you think you learn best.

1. Motion pictures
2. Lecture, information-giving
3. Reading assignments
4. Role playing with you as a participant
5. Project construction
6. Television programs
7. Audiotapes
8. Written reports
9. Nonverbal/body movements
10. Drawing, painting, or sculpturing
11. Slides
12. Records
13. Independent reading
14. Physical motion activities
15. Model building
16. Graphs, tables, and charts
17. Recitations by others
18. Writing
19. Participant in physical games
20. Touching objects
21. Photographs

Circle below the numbers you circled above. If a mojority of numbers for a Particular style are circled, you may have a learning style similar to the one Indicated.


1,3,6,8,11,13,16,18,21 *********************************************VISUAL/PRINT

2,7,12,17 ************************************************************AURAL/AUDIO

4,5,9,10,14,15,19,20 ************************************************KINESTHETIC

identifying strong perceptual elements ******************************identifying weak perceptual elements