Monday, April 2, 2007

Do you want to know your learning styles?

Circle below the numbers of the strategies/techniques Through which you think you learn best.

1. Motion pictures
2. Lecture, information-giving
3. Reading assignments
4. Role playing with you as a participant
5. Project construction
6. Television programs
7. Audiotapes
8. Written reports
9. Nonverbal/body movements
10. Drawing, painting, or sculpturing
11. Slides
12. Records
13. Independent reading
14. Physical motion activities
15. Model building
16. Graphs, tables, and charts
17. Recitations by others
18. Writing
19. Participant in physical games
20. Touching objects
21. Photographs

Circle below the numbers you circled above. If a mojority of numbers for a Particular style are circled, you may have a learning style similar to the one Indicated.


1,3,6,8,11,13,16,18,21 *********************************************VISUAL/PRINT

2,7,12,17 ************************************************************AURAL/AUDIO

4,5,9,10,14,15,19,20 ************************************************KINESTHETIC

identifying strong perceptual elements ******************************identifying weak perceptual elements

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